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<?php $page = "Blog"; ?> <?php require "../app/includes/function_general.php"; ?> <?php include "includes/header.php"; ?> <?php $add = $_GET['add'] ?? ''; $edit = $_GET['edit'] ?? ''; if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['add_blog'])) { $blog_title = $_POST['blog_title']; $blog_desc = $_POST['blog_desc']; $blog_content = mysqli_real_escape_string($socket, $_POST['blog_content']); // $blog_content = "hello world"; $date = date('D, d M Y'); $file = $_FILES['blog_img']; $file_name = rand(11111111, 9999999) . $file['name']; $iu = false; if ($file['error'] == 0) { if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], '../static/blog/' . $file_name)) { $f_name = $file_name; $iu = true; } } // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($_FILES); // if ($iu) { $sql = "INSERT INTO zon_blog (`blog_title`, `blog_desc`, `blog_content`, `blog_image`, `blog_date`) VALUES ('$blog_title', '$blog_desc', '$blog_content', '$file_name', '$date') "; // } else { // $sql = "INSERT INTO zon_blog (`blog_title`, `blog_desc`, `blog_content`, `blog_image`, `blog_date`) VALUES ('$blog_title', '$blog_desc', '$blog_content', '$file_name', '$date') "; // } if (mysqli_query($socket, $sql)) { echo "<script>window.location.href = '?';</script>"; } } } if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['update_blog'])) { $blog_title = $_POST['blog_title']; $blog_desc = $_POST['blog_desc']; $blog_content = mysqli_real_escape_string($socket, $_POST['blog_content']); $date = date('D, d M Y'); $id = $_GET['token_id']; $file = $_FILES['blog_img']; $file_name = rand(11111111, 9999999) . $file['name']; $iu = false; mysqli_query($con, "SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824"); if ($file['error'] == 0) { if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], '../static/blog/' . $file_name)) { $f_name = $file_name; $iu = true; } } if ($iu) { $sql = "UPDATE zon_blog SET `blog_title`='$blog_title', `blog_desc`='$blog_desc', `blog_content`='$blog_content', `blog_image`='$file_name', `blog_date`='$date' WHERE id=$id "; } else { $sql = "UPDATE zon_blog SET `blog_title`='$blog_title', `blog_desc`='$blog_desc', `blog_content`='$blog_content', `blog_date`='$date' WHERE id=$id "; } if (mysqli_query($socket, $sql)) { echo "<script>window.location.href = '?';</script>"; } } } if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['token_id'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { $id = $_GET['token_id']; if (mysqli_query($socket, "DELETE FROM zon_blog WHERE id=$id")) { echo "<script>window.location.href = '?';</script>"; } } } } function getBlogDataById($id) { global $socket; $sql = mysqli_query($socket, "SELECT * FROM zon_blog WHERE id=$id"); $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql); return $data; } $data = []; if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['edit']) && isset($_GET['token_id'])) { $data = getBlogDataById($_GET['token_id']); } ?> <body> <main class="d-flex"> <?php include "includes/sidebar.php"; ?> <div class="main w-full px-12 py-6"> <?php if ($add == 'true' || $edit == 'true') { ?> <div class="games-list mt-6"> <form action="" method="post" id="add-page" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="tab"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Page title</label> <input value="<?php echo $edit == 'true' ? $data['blog_title'] : '' ?>" required name="blog_title" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="Blog title"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Blog Description</label> <input value="<?php echo $edit == 'true' ? $data['blog_desc'] : '' ?>" required name="blog_desc" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="Blog Description"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Blog Thumbnail</label> <input <?php echo $edit == 'true' ? '' : 'required' ?> name="blog_img" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="file" placeholder="Blog Thumbnail"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Blog Content</label> <textarea name="blog_content" id="editor" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="Blog Content"><?php echo $edit == 'true' ? $data['blog_content'] : '' ?></textarea> </div> <button name="<?php echo $edit == 'true' ? 'update_blog' : 'add_blog' ?>" class="bg-blue-600 text-white uppercase mt-4 text-sm rounded-sm py-2 px-3 "> <?php echo $edit == 'true' ? 'Update Blog' : 'Add Blog' ?> </button> </form> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="games-list"> <a href="?add=true" class="py-2 px-6 bg-blue-400 text-white uppercase text-xs rounded-md">ADD</a> <table class="w-full mt-10 "> <thead class="border-b-2 dark:border-zinc-900 px-16 border-gray-100 py-2"> <td class=" text-gray-400 py-2 text-xs px-6">#Id</td> <td class=" text-gray-400 py-2 text-xs px-6 w-full">Title</td> <td class=" text-gray-400 py-2 text-xs px-6 w-full">Date</td> <td class=" text-gray-400 py-2 text-xs text-right px-6">Action</td> </thead> <tbody class="py-4"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, 'select * from zon_blog') ?> <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <tr class="bg-[white] dark:bg-zinc-900 px-16 py-4 rounded-lg"> <td class="text-xs px-6 text-gray-500"> <?= $row['id'] ?> </td> <td class="text-gray-500 text-xs px-6 py-4"><a href="?edit=true&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>"> <?= $row['blog_title'] ?> </a></td> <td class="text-gray-500 whitespace-nowrap text-xs px-6 py-4"> <?= $row['blog_date'] ?> </td> <td class="text-right relative px-6"> <button data-target="#dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="bi-three-dots-vertical text-gray-500 drop_btn"></button> <div id="dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" style="z-index: 99;" class="dropdown absolute bg-white text-right right-0 hidden flex-column "> <a href="?action=delete&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="text-xs px-4 py-2 text-red-700">Delete</a> <a href="?edit=true&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="text-xs px-4 py-2">Edit</a> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </main> <script> var editor1 = new RichTextEditor("#editor"); </script> <?php include "includes/footer.php"; ?> </body> </html>