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<?php $page = "Auto Fetch Layouts"; ?> <?php require "../app/includes/function_general.php"; ?> <?php include "includes/header.php"; ?> <?php // include "includes/config.php"; ?> <?php $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM zon_config"); $config = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); // if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { // if (isset($_GET['reset']) && isset($_GET['customize'])) { // $sql = "UPDATE zon_config SET site_color='#ff3814', section_games_limit=10, featured_game_slider=1, popular_views=3, cursor_color='#ff3814', animate_class='fadeInDown', custom_cursor=1 "; // if (mysqli_query($con, $sql)) { // echo "<script>window.location.href = '?'; </script>"; // } // } // } if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['auto_fetch_true'])) { $auto_fetch = $_POST['auto_fetch']; $auto_fetch_amount = $_POST['auto_fetch_amount']; $auto_fetch_timing = $_POST['auto_fetch_timing']; $auto_fetch_pub = $_POST['auto_fetch_pub']; $sql = "UPDATE zon_config SET auto_fetch=$auto_fetch, auto_fetch_amount=$auto_fetch_amount, auto_fetch_timing=$auto_fetch_timing, auto_fetch_pub='$auto_fetch_pub'"; if ($socket->query($sql)) { header("Location: ?"); } } ?> <body class="dark:bg-[#121317]"> <main class="d-flex"> <?php include "includes/sidebar.php"; ?> <div class="main w-full px-12 py-6"> <div class="games-list mt-6"> <form action="" method="post"> <!-- <div class="flex gap-10"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Website Color</label> <input type="color" required value="<?php echo $config['site_color']; ?>" name="site_color" class="py-0 text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm w-full px-0 text-xs" placeholder="Number of views"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Section games limit</label> <input type="number" value="<?php echo $config['section_games_limit']; ?>" required name="section_games_limit" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" placeholder="Number of views"> </div> </div> --> <div class="flex gap-10 mt-6"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">You Want Auto Fetching</label> <select required name="auto_fetch" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs"> <option <?php if ($config['auto_fetch'] == 1) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="1">Yes</option> <option <?php if ($config['auto_fetch'] == 0) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="0">No</option> </select> <label class="text-gray-500 text-[10px] mt-2">With this feature you can automate game fetching</label> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Publisher</label> <select required name="auto_fetch_pub" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs"> <option <?php if ($config['auto_fetch_pub'] === 'gamepix') { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="gamepix">Gamepix ( recommended )</option> <option <?php if ($config['auto_fetch_pub'] === 'gamedistribution') { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="gamedistribution">GameDistribution</option> <option <?php if ($config['auto_fetch_pub'] === 'gamemonetize') { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="gamemonetize">GameMonetize</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-10 mt-6"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Amount ( maximum amount is 90 )</label> <input id="amount" type="number" name="auto_fetch_amount" maxlength="90" oninput="AmountCheck()" onkeyup="AmountCheck()" onkeypress="AmountCheck()" value="<?php echo $config['auto_fetch_amount'] ?>" class="py-[10px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" /> <label class="text-gray-500 text-[10px] mt-2">This amount is included in gamepix ( only 12 games fetch in gamepix api)</label> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Timing ( every *** minutes )</label> <input id="amount" type="number" name="auto_fetch_timing" maxlength="90" oninput="AmountCheck()" onkeyup="AmountCheck()" onkeypress="AmountCheck()" value="<?php echo $config['auto_fetch_timing'] ?>" class="py-[10px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" /> </div> <script> var amount = document.getElementById("amount"); function AmountCheck() { if (amount.value > 90) { amount.value = 90; } else { amount.value = amount.value; } } </script> </div> <!-- <div class="flex gap-10 mt-6"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Animation</label> <select required name="animate_class" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM zon_animation_classes"); while ($class = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) {?> <option <?php if( $config['animate_class'] == $class['name'] ) { echo "selected"; } ?> value="<?= $class['name'] ?>"><?= $class['name'] ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <label class="text-gray-500 text-[10px] mt-2">If you want to see how the animation is then you can see it from here. <a target="_blank" class="text-blue-400" href="">animation list</a> </label> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">CURSOR Color</label> <input type="color" required value="<?php echo $config['cursor_color']; ?>" name="cursor_color" class="py-0 text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm w-full px-0 text-xs" placeholder="Number of views"> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-10 mt-6"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Show Custom Cursor</label> <select required name="custom_cursor" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs"> <option <?php if ($config['custom_cursor'] == 1) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="1">Yes</option> <option <?php if ($config['custom_cursor'] == 0) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="0">No</option> </select> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">CURSOR Color</label> <input type="color" required value="<?php echo $config['cursor_color']; ?>" name="cursor_color" class="py-0 text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm w-full px-0 text-xs" placeholder="Number of views"> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-10 mt-6"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">You want blogs</label> <select required name="blog" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs"> <option <?php if ($config['blog'] == 1) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="1">Yes</option> <option <?php if ($config['blog'] == 0) { echo 'selected'; } ?> value="0">No</option> </select> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">Gamepix sid</label> <input type="text" required value="<?php echo $config['gamepix_sid']; ?>" name="gamepix_sid" class="py-[15px] px-2 text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm w-full px-0 text-xs" placeholder="Number of views"> </div> </div> --> <button name="auto_fetch_true" class="bg-blue-600 text-white uppercase mt-4 text-sm rounded-sm py-2 px-3 ">Save Changes</button> </form> </div> </div> </main> <?php include "includes/footer.php"; ?> </body> </html>