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// for game page code // === screens var frame = document.getElementById("game-frame"); var playScreen = document.getElementById("play-screen"); var loadingScreen = document.getElementById("loading-screen"); // === button var playButton = document.getElementById("game-play-button"); // === progress var progressLine = document.getElementById("progressLine"); if (frame !== null && playScreen !== null && loadingScreen !== null) { function PlayGame() { playScreen.classList.add("d-none"); loadingScreen.classList.remove("d-none"); var frameSource = frame.getAttribute("data-frame-src"); frame.src = frameSource; setTimeout(() => { = '10%' }, 400 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '20%' }, 800 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '30%' }, 1200 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '40%' }, 1600 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '50%' }, 2000 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '60%' }, 2400 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '70%' }, 2800 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '80%' }, 3200 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '90%' }, 3600 * 2); setTimeout(() => { = '100%'; }, 4000 * 2); } // playButton.onclick = () => { // } frame.onload = () => { setTimeout(() => { loadingScreen.classList.add("d-none"); }, 16000); } } // for sidebar toggle in mobile function ToggleSidebar() { var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); sidebar?.classList.toggle("active"); } // for header effect var header = document.querySelector("header.zon-header"); document.addEventListener("scroll", () => { if (header !== null) { if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > 0 || document.body.scrollTop > 0) { header.classList.add("active"); } else { header.classList.remove("active"); } } }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll(".lazy"); if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) { const lazyImageObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const lazyImage =; lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src; lazyImage.classList.remove("lazy"); lazyImageObserver.unobserve(lazyImage); } }); }); lazyImages.forEach((lazyImage) => { lazyImageObserver.observe(lazyImage); }); } else { // Fallback for browsers that do not support IntersectionObserver let lazyLoadThrottleTimeout; function lazyLoad() { if (lazyLoadThrottleTimeout) { clearTimeout(lazyLoadThrottleTimeout); } lazyLoadThrottleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset; lazyImages.forEach((img) => { if (img.offsetTop < window.innerHeight + scrollTop) { img.src = img.dataset.src; img.classList.remove("lazy"); } }); if (lazyImages.length == 0) { document.removeEventListener("scroll", lazyLoad); window.removeEventListener("resize", lazyLoad); window.removeEventListener("orientationChange", lazyLoad); } }, 20); } document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoad); document.addEventListener("mousemove", lazyLoad); window.addEventListener("resize", lazyLoad); window.addEventListener("orientationChange", lazyLoad); } }); // for image lazy loading var games = document.querySelectorAll(".game-card"); if (games.length > 0) { games.forEach((game) => { var loader = game.querySelector(".game-poster .loader"); var poster = game.querySelector(".game-poster img[alt]"); loader?.classList.add("active"); if (poster.complete) { setTimeout(() => { loader?.classList.remove("active"); }, 2000); } else { // Add an event listener to check when the image loads poster.onload = () => { setTimeout(() => { loader?.classList.remove("active"); }, 2000); }; poster.onerror = () => { loader?.classList.add("active"); }; } }); } // for loader var appLoader = document.getElementById("app_loader"); var intro = document.getElementById("intro"); var loader = document.getElementById("loader"); var imageSrc = loader?.getAttribute("data-src"); var overlay = loader?.querySelector(".overlay-full"); if (appLoader !== null) { setTimeout(() => { intro.classList.add("hide"); }, 1700); setTimeout(() => { intro.classList.add("hidden"); = `url(${imageSrc})`; loader.classList.replace("hide", "show"); }, 2800); setTimeout(() => { loader.classList.replace("opacity-0", "opacity-1"); }, 3500); setTimeout(() => { overlay.classList.replace("opacity-1", "opacity-0"); }, 3700); setTimeout(() => { overlay.classList.replace("opacity-0", "opacity-1"); appLoader.classList.remove("active"); }, 5800); } // set theme according to localStorage data var themeChanger = document.getElementById("themeChanger"); var theme = localStorage.getItem("theme"); var html = document.documentElement; var condition = theme === "light" ? "light" : "dark"; html.setAttribute("data-zon-skin", condition); themeChanger?.classList.add(condition); // zontal theme changer function ChangeTheme() { var theme = localStorage.getItem("theme"); if (theme === null) { localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark"); } if (theme === "light") { // dark mode localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark"); document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-zon-skin", "dark"); themeChanger?.classList.replace("light", "dark"); } else { // light mode localStorage.setItem("theme", "light"); document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-zon-skin", "light"); themeChanger?.classList.replace("dark", "light"); } } // functions for slider function SlideLeft(scroll, element) { var slider = element.nextElementSibling; var slideLeftButton = element; var slideRightButton = element.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling; if (slider !== undefined) { slider.scrollLeft -= scroll + 20; } // condition || code for showing / hiding slide buttons setTimeout(() => { if (slider.scrollLeft <= 420) { slideLeftButton.classList.add("d-none"); } }, 100); // for right button if (slider.scrollLeft + slider.clientWidth + 1 >= slider.scrollWidth) { slideRightButton.classList.remove("d-none"); } } function removeActiveClass() { var featuredGames = document.querySelectorAll(".featured-games .game-card"); if (featuredGames.length > 0) { featuredGames.forEach((game) => { game.classList.remove("active"); }); } } function AutoSlide(scroll, element) { var dynamicContent = document.getElementById("dynamicContent"); var slider = element.parentNode.parentNode; var slideLeftButton = element.parentNode.parentNode.previousElementSibling; var slideRightButton = element.parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling; if (slider !== undefined) { slider.scrollLeft += scroll + 20; } // dynamicContent.classList.remove("FadeIn"); removeActiveClass(); element.classList.add("active"); // dynamicContent.classList.add("FadeIn"); setTimeout(() => { // for left button if (slider.scrollLeft > 0) { slideLeftButton.classList.remove("d-none"); } // for right button if (slider.scrollLeft + slider.clientWidth + 1 >= slider.scrollWidth) { slideRightButton.classList.remove("d-none"); } }, 100); } function SlideRight(scroll, element) { var slider = element.previousElementSibling; var slideRightButton = element; var slideLeftButton = element.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling; if (slider !== undefined) { slider.scrollLeft += scroll + 20; } setTimeout(() => { // for left button if (slider.scrollLeft > 0) { slideLeftButton.classList.remove("d-none"); } }, 100); setTimeout(() => { // condition || code for showing / hiding slide buttons if (slider.scrollLeft + slider.clientWidth + 10 >= slider.scrollWidth) { slideRightButton.classList.add("d-none"); } }, 100); } // for viewing game data in banner var featuredGames = document.querySelectorAll(".featured-games .game-card"); if (featuredGames.length > 0) { featuredGames.forEach((game) => { game.addEventListener("click", handleData); }); function handleData() { var button = this; var gameIcon = button.getAttribute("data-game-icon"); var gameName = button.getAttribute("data-game-name"); var gameImage = button.getAttribute("data-bg-image"); var gameCategory = button.getAttribute("data-game-category"); var gameCategoryLink = button.getAttribute("data-game-category-link"); var gameLink = button.getAttribute("data-game-link"); var dynamicData = document.getElementById("dynamicContent"); dynamicData.classList.add("wow"); dynamicData.classList.add("fadeInDown"); dynamicData.querySelector(".content-title").textContent = gameName; dynamicData.querySelector(".content-title-sm").textContent = gameName; dynamicData.querySelector(".content-icon").src = gameIcon; dynamicData.querySelector(".content-category").textContent = gameCategory; dynamicData.querySelector(".content-category").href = gameCategoryLink; dynamicData.querySelector(".play-button").href = gameLink; addBgImage(gameImage); setTimeout(() => { dynamicData.classList.remove("wow"); dynamicData.classList.remove("fadeInDown"); }, 1500); } } // for add image in bg of activated slide game function addBgImage(src) { var element = document.getElementById("bg-game-img"); if (element !== null) {"background-image", `url(${src})`); } } // for activating page button var buttonLists = document.querySelectorAll( ".app_start .sidebar ul li:not(.no-focus)" ); // add click event if (buttonLists.length > 0 && buttonLists !== null) { buttonLists.forEach((button) => { button.addEventListener("click", OnActiveRoute); }); // removing 'active' class from all button const removeClassFromAllButton = () => { buttonLists.forEach((button) => { button.classList.remove("active"); }); }; // add 'active' class to which user click on the click function OnActiveRoute() { var button = this; // first remove class removeClassFromAllButton(); // then add class in clicked button button.classList.add("active"); } }