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<?php require "../app/includes/function_general.php"; ?> <?php include "includes/header.php"; ?> <?php // include "includes/config.php"; ?> <?php // session_start(); if (!empty($_GET['token_id']) && isset($_GET['action'])) { $token_id = $_GET['token_id']; $action_type = $_GET['action']; } if (isset($token_id) && isset($action_type) && !empty($token_id)) { $sql = "select * from zon_users where id=$token_id"; $run = mysqli_query($con, $sql); $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run); } ?> <body class="dark:bg-[#121317]"> <main class="d-flex"> <?php include "includes/sidebar.php"; ?> <div class="main w-full px-12 py-6"> <div class="games-list mt-6"> <form action="functions/add-user.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="add-page" class="tab"> <?php if (!empty($token_id)) { ?> <input hidden type="text" name="user_id" value="<?php echo $data['id']; ?>"> <?php } ?> <div class="flex gap-6"> <div class="input-form w-full"> <div class="input-group flex flex-column"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">full Name</label> <input value="<?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo $data['name']; } ?><?php if(isset($_SESSION['name'])){ echo $_SESSION['name']; } ?>" required name="name" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="full name"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">email</label> <input required value="<?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo $data['email']; } ?><?php if(isset($_SESSION['email'])){ echo $_SESSION['email']; } ?>" name="email" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none <?php if (isset($_GET['emailError'])) { echo "border-2 border-red-800 focus:outline-red-800"; }?> focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="email" placeholder="Email"> <?php if (isset($_GET['emailError'])) { ?> <label class="select-none text-red-800 capitalize text-xs mb-1 mt-1"> <?php echo Secure_DATA($_GET['emailError']); ?> </label> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">username</label> <input required value="<?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo $data['username']; } ?><?php if(isset($_SESSION['username'])){ echo $_SESSION['username']; } ?>" name="username" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none <?php if (isset($_GET['usernameError'])) { echo "border-2 border-red-800 focus:outline-red-800"; }?> focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="Username"> <?php if (isset($_GET['usernameError'])) { ?> <label class="select-none text-red-800 capitalize text-xs mb-1 mt-1"> <?php echo Secure_DATA($_GET['usernameError']); ?> </label> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">user pic</label> <input name="user_pic" class="py-0 border-2 dark:border-zinc-900 border-gray-100 text-gray-500 outline-none rounded-sm focus:outline bg-[white] h-12 focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-0 text-xs" type="file" placeholder="Game Image"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">password</label> <input name="password" value="<?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo $data['password']; } ?><?php if(isset($_SESSION['password'])){ echo $_SESSION['password']; } ?>" class="py-0 border-2 dark:border-zinc-900 border-gray-100 text-gray-500 outline-none rounded-sm focus:outline bg-[white] h-12 focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm px-3 text-xs" type="text" placeholder="Password"> </div> <div class="input-group flex flex-column mt-6"> <label class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[10px] mb-2">user is </label> <select name="user_status" class="py-[15px] text-gray-500 outline-none focus:outline focus:outline-blue-500 transition-sm w-full px-3 text-xs" id=""> <option <?php if (!empty($token_id)) { if ($data['status'] == '0') { echo "selected"; } } ?> value="0">Add User</option> <option <?php if (!empty($token_id)) { if ($data['status'] == '1') { echo "selected"; } } ?> value="1">User Banned</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="other-inputs w-80"></div> </div> <button name="<?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo 'update_user'; } else { echo 'add_user'; } ?>" class="bg-blue-600 text-white uppercase mt-4 text-sm rounded-sm py-2 px-3 "><?php if (!empty($token_id)) { echo 'update'; } else { echo 'Add User'; } ?></button> </form> </div> </main> <?php include "includes/footer.php"; ?> </body> </html>