/** * Minified by jsDelivr using Terser v5.14.1. * Original file: /npm/toastify-js@1.12.0/src/toastify.js * * Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information: https://www.jsdelivr.com/using-sri-with-dynamic-files */ /*! * Toastify js 1.12.0 * https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js * @license MIT licensed * * Copyright (C) 2018 Varun A P */ !(function (t, o) { "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? (module.exports = o()) : (t.Toastify = o()); })(this, function (t) { var o = function (t) { return new o.lib.init(t); }; function i(t, o) { return o.offset[t] ? isNaN(o.offset[t]) ? o.offset[t] : o.offset[t] + "px" : "0px"; } function s(t, o) { return ( !(!t || "string" != typeof o) && !!(t.className && t.className.trim().split(/\s+/gi).indexOf(o) > -1) ); } return ( (o.defaults = { oldestFirst: !0, text: "Toastify is awesome!", node: void 0, duration: 3e3, selector: void 0, callback: function () {}, destination: void 0, newWindow: !1, close: !1, gravity: "toastify-top", positionLeft: !1, position: "", backgroundColor: "", avatar: "", className: "", stopOnFocus: !0, onClick: function () {}, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, escapeMarkup: !0, ariaLive: "polite", style: { background: "" }, }), (o.lib = o.prototype = { toastify: "1.12.0", constructor: o, init: function (t) { return ( t || (t = {}), (this.options = {}), (this.toastElement = null), (this.options.text = t.text || o.defaults.text), (this.options.node = t.node || o.defaults.node), (this.options.duration = 0 === t.duration ? 0 : t.duration || o.defaults.duration), (this.options.selector = t.selector || o.defaults.selector), (this.options.callback = t.callback || o.defaults.callback), (this.options.destination = t.destination || o.defaults.destination), (this.options.newWindow = t.newWindow || o.defaults.newWindow), (this.options.close = t.close || o.defaults.close), (this.options.gravity = "bottom" === t.gravity ? "toastify-bottom" : o.defaults.gravity), (this.options.positionLeft = t.positionLeft || o.defaults.positionLeft), (this.options.position = t.position || o.defaults.position), (this.options.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColor || o.defaults.backgroundColor), (this.options.avatar = t.avatar || o.defaults.avatar), (this.options.className = t.className || o.defaults.className), (this.options.stopOnFocus = void 0 === t.stopOnFocus ? o.defaults.stopOnFocus : t.stopOnFocus), (this.options.onClick = t.onClick || o.defaults.onClick), (this.options.offset = t.offset || o.defaults.offset), (this.options.escapeMarkup = void 0 !== t.escapeMarkup ? t.escapeMarkup : o.defaults.escapeMarkup), (this.options.ariaLive = t.ariaLive || o.defaults.ariaLive), (this.options.style = t.style || o.defaults.style), t.backgroundColor && (this.options.style.background = t.backgroundColor), this ); }, buildToast: function () { if (!this.options) throw "Toastify is not initialized"; var t = document.createElement("div"); for (var o in ((t.className = "toastify on " + this.options.className), this.options.position ? (t.className += " toastify-" + this.options.position) : !0 === this.options.positionLeft ? ((t.className += " toastify-left"), console.warn( "Property `positionLeft` will be depreciated in further versions. Please use `position` instead." )) : (t.className += " toastify-right"), (t.className += " " + this.options.gravity), this.options.backgroundColor && console.warn( 'DEPRECATION NOTICE: "backgroundColor" is being deprecated. Please use the "style.background" property.' ), this.options.style)) t.style[o] = this.options.style[o]; if ( (this.options.ariaLive && t.setAttribute("aria-live", this.options.ariaLive), this.options.node && this.options.node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) t.appendChild(this.options.node); else if ( (this.options.escapeMarkup ? (t.innerText = this.options.text) : (t.innerHTML = this.options.text), "" !== this.options.avatar) ) { var s = document.createElement("img"); (s.src = this.options.avatar), (s.className = "toastify-avatar"), "left" == this.options.position || !0 === this.options.positionLeft ? t.appendChild(s) : t.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", s); } if (!0 === this.options.close) { var e = document.createElement("button"); (e.type = "button"), e.setAttribute("aria-label", "Close"), (e.className = "toast-close"), (e.innerHTML = "&#10006;"), e.addEventListener( "click", function (t) { t.stopPropagation(), this.removeElement(this.toastElement), window.clearTimeout(this.toastElement.timeOutValue); }.bind(this) ); var n = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width; ("left" == this.options.position || !0 === this.options.positionLeft) && n > 360 ? t.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", e) : t.appendChild(e); } if (this.options.stopOnFocus && this.options.duration > 0) { var a = this; t.addEventListener("mouseover", function (o) { window.clearTimeout(t.timeOutValue); }), t.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () { t.timeOutValue = window.setTimeout(function () { a.removeElement(t); }, a.options.duration); }); } if ( (void 0 !== this.options.destination && t.addEventListener( "click", function (t) { t.stopPropagation(), !0 === this.options.newWindow ? window.open(this.options.destination, "_blank") : (window.location = this.options.destination); }.bind(this) ), "function" == typeof this.options.onClick && void 0 === this.options.destination && t.addEventListener( "click", function (t) { t.stopPropagation(), this.options.onClick(); }.bind(this) ), "object" == typeof this.options.offset) ) { var l = i("x", this.options), r = i("y", this.options), p = "left" == this.options.position ? l : "-" + l, d = "toastify-top" == this.options.gravity ? r : "-" + r; t.style.transform = "translate(" + p + "," + d + ")"; } return t; }, showToast: function () { var t; if ( ((this.toastElement = this.buildToast()), !(t = "string" == typeof this.options.selector ? document.getElementById(this.options.selector) : this.options.selector instanceof HTMLElement || ("undefined" != typeof ShadowRoot && this.options.selector instanceof ShadowRoot) ? this.options.selector : document.body)) ) throw "Root element is not defined"; var i = o.defaults.oldestFirst ? t.firstChild : t.lastChild; return ( t.insertBefore(this.toastElement, i), o.reposition(), this.options.duration > 0 && (this.toastElement.timeOutValue = window.setTimeout( function () { this.removeElement(this.toastElement); }.bind(this), this.options.duration )), this ); }, hideToast: function () { this.toastElement.timeOutValue && clearTimeout(this.toastElement.timeOutValue), this.removeElement(this.toastElement); }, removeElement: function (t) { (t.className = t.className.replace(" on", "")), window.setTimeout( function () { this.options.node && this.options.node.parentNode && this.options.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.options.node), t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), this.options.callback.call(t), o.reposition(); }.bind(this), 400 ); }, }), (o.reposition = function () { for ( var t, o = { top: 15, bottom: 15 }, i = { top: 15, bottom: 15 }, e = { top: 15, bottom: 15 }, n = document.getElementsByClassName("toastify"), a = 0; a < n.length; a++ ) { t = !0 === s(n[a], "toastify-top") ? "toastify-top" : "toastify-bottom"; var l = n[a].offsetHeight; t = t.substr(9, t.length - 1); (window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width) <= 360 ? ((n[a].style[t] = e[t] + "px"), (e[t] += l + 15)) : !0 === s(n[a], "toastify-left") ? ((n[a].style[t] = o[t] + "px"), (o[t] += l + 15)) : ((n[a].style[t] = i[t] + "px"), (i[t] += l + 15)); } return this; }), (o.lib.init.prototype = o.lib), o ); }); //# sourceMappingURL=/sm/e1ebbfe1bf0b0061f0726ebc83434e1c2f8308e6354c415fd05ecccdaad47617.map