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<?php $page = "Games" ?> <?php include "includes/config.php"; ?> <?php require "../app/includes/function_general.php"; ?> <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?> <?php // session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $per_page = 20; $total_game = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_games")); $total = $total_game / $per_page; $total = intval($total); if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['page'])) { $page_no = $_GET['page']; $cal = ($page_no - 0) * $per_page; // if (isset($_GET['query'])) { // $query = $_GET['query']; // $sql = "select * from zon_games where game_name='$query'"; // } else { $sql = "select * from zon_games order by id desc limit $cal, $per_page"; // } } else { // if (isset($_GET['query'])) { // $query = $_GET['query']; // $sql = "select * from zon_games where game_name='$query'"; // } else { $page_no = 0; $sql = "select * from zon_games order by id desc limit 10"; // } } if (isset($_GET['query'])) { $query = $_GET['query']; $query = str_replace("+", "", $query); $search_query = "SELECT * FROM zon_games WHERE game_name LIKE '%$query%' ORDER BY id DESC"; // $search_query = str_replace("+", "", $search_query); } $run = mysqli_query($con, $sql); ?> <body class="dark:bg-[#121317]"> <main class="d-flex "> <?php include "includes/sidebar.php"; ?> <div class="main w-full px-12 py-6"> <div class="games-list"> <div class=" flex justify-between"> <div class="flex gap-4"> <?php if (isset($_GET['query'])) { ?> <a href="?" class="py-2 px-6 bg-green-600 text-white uppercase text-xs rounded-md">Back to all games</a> <?php } ?> <a href="add-game.php" class="py-2 px-6 bg-blue-400 text-white uppercase text-xs rounded-md">ADD</a> </div> <form action="" class="flex border rounded-md bg-white"> <input type="text" class="h-8 bg-transparent outline-none py-2 px-2" name="query" placeholder="Search Your Game"> <button class="bi-search w-10 bg-transparent "></button> </form> </div> <?php if (isset($_GET['query'])) { ?> <table class="w-full mt-10 "> <thead class="border-b-2 dark:border-zinc-900 px-16 border-gray-100 py-2"> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-gray-600 px-4">ID</td> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-gray-600 px-4 w-full">Name</td> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-right"></td> </thead> <tbody> <?php $mysql = mysqli_query($con, $search_query) or die("died"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($mysql)) { ?> <?php if ($row['game_status'] == 0) { ?> <tr class="bg-[white] dark:bg-zinc-900 px-16 "> <td class="text-xs text-gray-500 px-4 ">#<?= $row['id'] ?></td> <td class="text-gray-500 px-4 text-sm flex items-center py-3"><img class="object-cover h-12 w-12 rounded-lg mr-4 overflow-hidden" src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>"> <a href="add-game.php?action=update&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></a></td> <td class="text-right relative px-6"> <button data-target="#dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="bi-three-dots-vertical text-gray-500 drop_btn"></button> <div id="dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" style="z-index: 99;" class="dropdown absolute bg-white text-right right-0 hidden flex-column "> <a href="functions/functions.php?action=delete&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>&content_type=game" class="text-xs px-4 py-2 text-red-700">Delete</a> <a href="add-game.php?action=update&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>&content_type=game" class="text-xs px-4 py-2">Edit</a> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { ?> <table class="w-full mt-10 "> <thead class="border-b-2 dark:border-zinc-900 px-16 border-gray-100 py-2"> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-gray-600 px-4">ID</td> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-gray-600 px-4 w-full">Name</td> <td class="py-2 text-xs text-right"></td> </thead> <tbody> <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <?php if ($row['game_status'] == 0) { ?> <tr class="bg-[white] dark:bg-zinc-900 px-16 "> <td class="text-xs text-gray-500 px-4 ">#<?= $row['id'] ?></td> <td class="text-gray-500 px-4 text-sm flex items-center py-3"><img class="object-cover h-12 w-12 rounded-lg mr-4 overflow-hidden" src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>"> <a href="add-game.php?action=update&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></a></td> <td class="text-right relative px-6"> <button data-target="#dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" class="bi-three-dots-vertical text-gray-500 drop_btn"></button> <div id="dc_<?= $row['id'] ?>" style="z-index: 99;" class="dropdown absolute bg-white text-right right-0 hidden flex-column "> <a href="functions/functions.php?action=delete&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>&content_type=game" class="text-xs px-4 py-2 text-red-700">Delete</a> <a href="add-game.php?action=update&token_id=<?= $row['id'] ?>&content_type=game" class="text-xs px-4 py-2">Edit</a> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> <?php if (!isset($_GET['query'])) { ?> <div class="flex justify-center "> <div class="flex gap-2 mt-6 mb-12 w-96 scroll-hidden"> <?php if ($page_no >= 1) { ?> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no - 1 ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:bg-zinc-900 dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-800 py-2 bg-gray-200 uppercase rounded-lg">prev</a> <?php } ?> <?php if ($page_no !== $total) { ?> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-200 py-2 bg-blue-600 uppercase rounded-lg"><?php echo $page_no ?></a> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no + 1 ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-200 py-2 bg-blue-600 uppercase rounded-lg"><?php echo $page_no + 1 ?></a> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no + 2 ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-200 py-2 bg-blue-600 uppercase rounded-lg"><?php echo $page_no + 2 ?></a> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no + 3 ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-200 py-2 bg-blue-600 uppercase rounded-lg"><?php echo $page_no + 3 ?></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="?page=0" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-800 py-2 bg-blue-600 uppercase rounded-lg">0</a> <?php } ?> <?php // if ($page_no >= 1) { ?> <a href="?page=<?php echo $page_no + 1 ?>" class="px-3 hover:text-black dark:bg-zinc-900 dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white text-gray-800 py-2 bg-gray-200 uppercase rounded-lg">Next</a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </main> <?php include "includes/footer.php"; 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