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align-self: stretch !important } .order-lg-first { order: -1 !important } .order-lg-0 { order: 0 !important } .order-lg-1 { order: 1 !important } .order-lg-2 { order: 2 !important } .order-lg-3 { order: 3 !important } .order-lg-4 { order: 4 !important } .order-lg-5 { order: 5 !important } .order-lg-last { order: 6 !important } .m-lg-0 { margin: 0 !important } .m-lg-1 { margin: .25rem !important } .m-lg-2 { margin: .5rem !important } .m-lg-3 { margin: 1rem !important } .m-lg-4 { margin: 2rem !important } .m-lg-5 { margin: 3rem !important } .m-lg-6 { margin: 4rem !important } .m-lg-7 { margin: 5rem !important } .m-lg-8 { margin: 7rem !important } .m-lg-9 { margin: 9rem !important } .m-lg-10 { margin: 12rem !important } .m-lg-11 { margin: 13rem !important } .m-lg-12 { margin: 14rem !important } .m-lg-13 { margin: 15rem !important } .m-lg-14 { margin: 16rem !important } .m-lg-15 { margin: 17rem !important } .m-lg-auto { margin: auto !important } .mx-lg-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important } .mx-lg-1 { margin-right: .25rem !important; margin-left: .25rem !important } .mx-lg-2 { margin-right: .5rem !important; margin-left: .5rem !important } .mx-lg-3 { margin-right: 1rem !important; margin-left: 1rem !important } .mx-lg-4 { margin-right: 2rem !important; margin-left: 2rem !important } .mx-lg-5 { margin-right: 3rem !important; margin-left: 3rem !important } .mx-lg-6 { margin-right: 4rem !important; margin-left: 4rem !important } .mx-lg-7 { margin-right: 5rem !important; margin-left: 5rem !important } .mx-lg-8 { margin-right: 7rem !important; margin-left: 7rem !important } .mx-lg-9 { margin-right: 9rem !important; margin-left: 9rem !important } .mx-lg-10 { margin-right: 12rem !important; margin-left: 12rem !important } .mx-lg-11 { margin-right: 13rem !important; margin-left: 13rem !important } .mx-lg-12 { margin-right: 14rem !important; margin-left: 14rem !important } .mx-lg-13 { margin-right: 15rem !important; margin-left: 15rem !important } 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margin-bottom: 12rem !important } .my-lg-11 { margin-top: 13rem !important; margin-bottom: 13rem !important } .my-lg-12 { margin-top: 14rem !important; margin-bottom: 14rem !important } .my-lg-13 { margin-top: 15rem !important; margin-bottom: 15rem !important } .my-lg-14 { margin-top: 16rem !important; margin-bottom: 16rem !important } .my-lg-15 { margin-top: 17rem !important; margin-bottom: 17rem !important } .my-lg-auto { margin-top: auto !important; margin-bottom: auto !important } .mt-lg-0 { margin-top: 0 !important } .mt-lg-1 { margin-top: .25rem !important } .mt-lg-2 { margin-top: .5rem !important } .mt-lg-3 { margin-top: 1rem !important } .mt-lg-4 { margin-top: 2rem !important } .mt-lg-5 { margin-top: 3rem !important } .mt-lg-6 { margin-top: 4rem !important } .mt-lg-7 { margin-top: 5rem !important } .mt-lg-8 { margin-top: 7rem !important } .mt-lg-9 { margin-top: 9rem !important } .mt-lg-10 { margin-top: 12rem !important } .mt-lg-11 { margin-top: 13rem !important } .mt-lg-12 { margin-top: 14rem !important } .mt-lg-13 { margin-top: 15rem !important } .mt-lg-14 { margin-top: 16rem !important } .mt-lg-15 { margin-top: 17rem !important } .mt-lg-auto { margin-top: auto !important } .me-lg-0 { margin-right: 0 !important } .me-lg-1 { margin-right: .25rem !important } .me-lg-2 { margin-right: .5rem !important } .me-lg-3 { margin-right: 1rem !important } .me-lg-4 { margin-right: 2rem !important } .me-lg-5 { margin-right: 3rem !important } .me-lg-6 { margin-right: 4rem !important } .me-lg-7 { margin-right: 5rem !important } .me-lg-8 { margin-right: 7rem !important } .me-lg-9 { margin-right: 9rem !important } .me-lg-10 { margin-right: 12rem !important } .me-lg-11 { margin-right: 13rem !important } .me-lg-12 { margin-right: 14rem !important } .me-lg-13 { margin-right: 15rem !important } .me-lg-14 { margin-right: 16rem !important } .me-lg-15 { margin-right: 17rem !important } .me-lg-auto { margin-right: auto !important } .mb-lg-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important } .mb-lg-1 { margin-bottom: .25rem !important } .mb-lg-2 { margin-bottom: .5rem !important } .mb-lg-3 { margin-bottom: 1rem !important } .mb-lg-4 { margin-bottom: 2rem !important } .mb-lg-5 { margin-bottom: 3rem !important } .mb-lg-6 { margin-bottom: 4rem !important } .mb-lg-7 { margin-bottom: 5rem !important } .mb-lg-8 { margin-bottom: 7rem !important } .mb-lg-9 { margin-bottom: 9rem !important } .mb-lg-10 { margin-bottom: 12rem !important } .mb-lg-11 { margin-bottom: 13rem !important } .mb-lg-12 { margin-bottom: 14rem !important } .mb-lg-13 { margin-bottom: 15rem !important } .mb-lg-14 { margin-bottom: 16rem !important } .mb-lg-15 { margin-bottom: 17rem !important } .mb-lg-auto { margin-bottom: auto !important } .ms-lg-0 { margin-left: 0 !important } .ms-lg-1 { margin-left: .25rem !important } .ms-lg-2 { margin-left: .5rem !important } .ms-lg-3 { margin-left: 1rem !important } .ms-lg-4 { margin-left: 2rem !important } .ms-lg-5 { margin-left: 3rem !important } .ms-lg-6 { margin-left: 4rem !important } .ms-lg-7 { margin-left: 5rem !important } .ms-lg-8 { margin-left: 7rem !important } .ms-lg-9 { margin-left: 9rem !important } .ms-lg-10 { margin-left: 12rem !important } .ms-lg-11 { margin-left: 13rem !important } .ms-lg-12 { margin-left: 14rem !important } .ms-lg-13 { margin-left: 15rem !important } .ms-lg-14 { margin-left: 16rem !important } .ms-lg-15 { margin-left: 17rem !important } .ms-lg-auto { margin-left: auto !important } .m-lg-n1 { margin: -.25rem !important } .m-lg-n2 { margin: -.5rem !important } .m-lg-n3 { margin: -1rem !important } .m-lg-n4 { margin: -2rem !important } .m-lg-n5 { margin: -3rem !important } .m-lg-n6 { margin: -4rem !important } .m-lg-n7 { margin: -5rem !important } .m-lg-n8 { margin: -7rem !important } .m-lg-n9 { margin: -9rem !important } .m-lg-n10 { margin: -12rem !important } .m-lg-n11 { margin: -13rem !important } .m-lg-n12 { margin: -14rem !important } .m-lg-n13 { margin: -15rem !important } .m-lg-n14 { margin: -16rem !important } .m-lg-n15 { margin: -17rem !important } .mx-lg-n1 { margin-right: -.25rem !important; margin-left: -.25rem !important } .mx-lg-n2 { margin-right: -.5rem !important; margin-left: -.5rem !important } .mx-lg-n3 { margin-right: -1rem !important; margin-left: -1rem !important } .mx-lg-n4 { margin-right: -2rem !important; margin-left: -2rem !important } .mx-lg-n5 { margin-right: -3rem !important; margin-left: -3rem !important } .mx-lg-n6 { margin-right: -4rem !important; margin-left: -4rem !important } .mx-lg-n7 { margin-right: -5rem !important; margin-left: -5rem !important } .mx-lg-n8 { margin-right: -7rem !important; margin-left: -7rem !important } .mx-lg-n9 { margin-right: -9rem !important; margin-left: -9rem !important } .mx-lg-n10 { margin-right: -12rem !important; margin-left: -12rem !important } .mx-lg-n11 { margin-right: -13rem !important; margin-left: -13rem !important } .mx-lg-n12 { margin-right: -14rem !important; margin-left: -14rem !important } .mx-lg-n13 { margin-right: -15rem !important; margin-left: -15rem !important } .mx-lg-n14 { margin-right: -16rem !important; margin-left: -16rem !important } .mx-lg-n15 { margin-right: -17rem !important; margin-left: -17rem !important } .my-lg-n1 { margin-top: -.25rem !important; margin-bottom: -.25rem !important } .my-lg-n2 { margin-top: -.5rem !important; margin-bottom: -.5rem !important } .my-lg-n3 { margin-top: -1rem !important; margin-bottom: -1rem !important } .my-lg-n4 { margin-top: -2rem !important; margin-bottom: -2rem !important } .my-lg-n5 { margin-top: -3rem !important; margin-bottom: -3rem !important } .my-lg-n6 { margin-top: -4rem !important; margin-bottom: -4rem !important } .my-lg-n7 { margin-top: -5rem !important; margin-bottom: -5rem !important } .my-lg-n8 { margin-top: -7rem !important; margin-bottom: -7rem !important } .my-lg-n9 { margin-top: -9rem !important; margin-bottom: -9rem !important } .my-lg-n10 { margin-top: -12rem !important; margin-bottom: -12rem !important } .my-lg-n11 { margin-top: 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!important } .ms-lg-n14 { margin-left: -16rem !important } .ms-lg-n15 { margin-left: -17rem !important } .p-lg-0 { padding: 0 !important } .p-lg-1 { padding: .25rem !important } .p-lg-2 { padding: .5rem !important } .p-lg-3 { padding: 1rem !important } .p-lg-4 { padding: 2rem !important } .p-lg-5 { padding: 3rem !important } .p-lg-6 { padding: 4rem !important } .p-lg-7 { padding: 5rem !important } .p-lg-8 { padding: 7rem !important } .p-lg-9 { padding: 9rem !important } .p-lg-10 { padding: 12rem !important } .p-lg-11 { padding: 13rem !important } .p-lg-12 { padding: 14rem !important } .p-lg-13 { padding: 15rem !important } .p-lg-14 { padding: 16rem !important } .p-lg-15 { padding: 17rem !important } .px-lg-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important } .px-lg-1 { padding-right: .25rem !important; padding-left: .25rem !important } .px-lg-2 { padding-right: .5rem !important; padding-left: .5rem !important } .px-lg-3 { padding-right: 1rem !important; padding-left: 1rem !important } .px-lg-4 { padding-right: 2rem !important; padding-left: 2rem !important } .px-lg-5 { padding-right: 3rem !important; padding-left: 3rem !important } .px-lg-6 { padding-right: 4rem !important; padding-left: 4rem !important } .px-lg-7 { padding-right: 5rem !important; padding-left: 5rem !important } .px-lg-8 { padding-right: 7rem !important; padding-left: 7rem !important } .px-lg-9 { padding-right: 9rem !important; padding-left: 9rem !important } .px-lg-10 { padding-right: 12rem !important; padding-left: 12rem !important } .px-lg-11 { padding-right: 13rem !important; padding-left: 13rem !important } .px-lg-12 { padding-right: 14rem !important; padding-left: 14rem !important } .px-lg-13 { padding-right: 15rem !important; padding-left: 15rem !important } .px-lg-14 { padding-right: 16rem !important; padding-left: 16rem !important } .px-lg-15 { padding-right: 17rem !important; padding-left: 17rem !important } .py-lg-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important } 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!important } .my-xxl-5 { margin-top: 3rem !important; margin-bottom: 3rem !important } .my-xxl-6 { margin-top: 4rem !important; margin-bottom: 4rem !important } .my-xxl-7 { margin-top: 5rem !important; margin-bottom: 5rem !important } .my-xxl-8 { margin-top: 7rem !important; margin-bottom: 7rem !important } .my-xxl-9 { margin-top: 9rem !important; margin-bottom: 9rem !important } .my-xxl-10 { margin-top: 12rem !important; margin-bottom: 12rem !important } .my-xxl-11 { margin-top: 13rem !important; margin-bottom: 13rem !important } .my-xxl-12 { margin-top: 14rem !important; margin-bottom: 14rem !important } .my-xxl-13 { margin-top: 15rem !important; margin-bottom: 15rem !important } .my-xxl-14 { margin-top: 16rem !important; margin-bottom: 16rem !important } .my-xxl-15 { margin-top: 17rem !important; margin-bottom: 17rem !important } .my-xxl-auto { margin-top: auto !important; margin-bottom: auto !important } .mt-xxl-0 { margin-top: 0 !important } .mt-xxl-1 { margin-top: .25rem 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14rem !important } .mb-xxl-13 { margin-bottom: 15rem !important } .mb-xxl-14 { margin-bottom: 16rem !important } .mb-xxl-15 { margin-bottom: 17rem !important } .mb-xxl-auto { margin-bottom: auto !important } .ms-xxl-0 { margin-left: 0 !important } .ms-xxl-1 { margin-left: .25rem !important } .ms-xxl-2 { margin-left: .5rem !important } .ms-xxl-3 { margin-left: 1rem !important } .ms-xxl-4 { margin-left: 2rem !important } .ms-xxl-5 { margin-left: 3rem !important } .ms-xxl-6 { margin-left: 4rem !important } .ms-xxl-7 { margin-left: 5rem !important } .ms-xxl-8 { margin-left: 7rem !important } .ms-xxl-9 { margin-left: 9rem !important } .ms-xxl-10 { margin-left: 12rem !important } .ms-xxl-11 { margin-left: 13rem !important } .ms-xxl-12 { margin-left: 14rem !important } .ms-xxl-13 { margin-left: 15rem !important } .ms-xxl-14 { margin-left: 16rem !important } .ms-xxl-15 { margin-left: 17rem !important } .ms-xxl-auto { margin-left: auto !important } .m-xxl-n1 { margin: -.25rem !important } 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margin-top: -2rem !important; margin-bottom: -2rem !important } .my-xxl-n5 { margin-top: -3rem !important; margin-bottom: -3rem !important } .my-xxl-n6 { margin-top: -4rem !important; margin-bottom: -4rem !important } .my-xxl-n7 { margin-top: -5rem !important; margin-bottom: -5rem !important } .my-xxl-n8 { margin-top: -7rem !important; margin-bottom: -7rem !important } .my-xxl-n9 { margin-top: -9rem !important; margin-bottom: -9rem !important } .my-xxl-n10 { margin-top: -12rem !important; margin-bottom: -12rem !important } .my-xxl-n11 { margin-top: -13rem !important; margin-bottom: -13rem !important } .my-xxl-n12 { margin-top: -14rem !important; margin-bottom: -14rem !important } .my-xxl-n13 { margin-top: -15rem !important; margin-bottom: -15rem !important } .my-xxl-n14 { margin-top: -16rem !important; margin-bottom: -16rem !important } .my-xxl-n15 { margin-top: -17rem !important; margin-bottom: -17rem !important } .mt-xxl-n1 { margin-top: -.25rem !important } .mt-xxl-n2 { margin-top: -.5rem !important } .mt-xxl-n3 { margin-top: -1rem !important } .mt-xxl-n4 { margin-top: -2rem !important } .mt-xxl-n5 { margin-top: -3rem !important } .mt-xxl-n6 { margin-top: -4rem !important } .mt-xxl-n7 { margin-top: -5rem !important } .mt-xxl-n8 { margin-top: -7rem !important } .mt-xxl-n9 { margin-top: -9rem !important } .mt-xxl-n10 { margin-top: -12rem !important } .mt-xxl-n11 { margin-top: -13rem !important } .mt-xxl-n12 { margin-top: -14rem !important } .mt-xxl-n13 { margin-top: -15rem !important } .mt-xxl-n14 { margin-top: -16rem !important } .mt-xxl-n15 { margin-top: -17rem !important } .me-xxl-n1 { margin-right: -.25rem !important } .me-xxl-n2 { margin-right: -.5rem !important } .me-xxl-n3 { margin-right: -1rem !important } .me-xxl-n4 { margin-right: -2rem !important } .me-xxl-n5 { margin-right: -3rem !important } .me-xxl-n6 { margin-right: -4rem !important } .me-xxl-n7 { margin-right: -5rem !important } .me-xxl-n8 { margin-right: -7rem !important } .me-xxl-n9 { 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